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Fluoresce Haze is a Fanmade band created by agent 7 and friends. The band is based on the game Splatoon.

The band's genre is rock. They use a electric guitar, bass, drums, and a piano keyboard. Their lead vocalist and guitarist is Akai.

Band Members[]


Pronounced "AH-k-ai"

Akai is the band's lead vocalist and guitarist. An inspiring young Cuttlefish that came from Los Angelfish to start his dream career as a musician. Forming the band Fluoresce Haze, he came across other talented individuals who were indifferent from the community and gave them a chance. He is known for encouraging other inspiring creators and being related to a famous celebrity.


Pronounced "am-e-thyst"

Amethyst is the band's drummer. They are very calm and always is in a questioning manner, she often drifts off and question even about the littlest things. She is very teasing and mostly teases Kari a lot so Akai always have to step in. Despite that, she really does care about the other band members and think of them as family. Amethyst known Akai for a long time mostly because they went to the same school together. Amethyst heard about him starting a band and decided to aboard the fun train and offered to join his band.


Pronounced "TAR-ru"

Taru is the band's second vocalist and guitarist. She is a very strange individual. whenever she is in the dark, she has this ability to glow in the dark. She adores her fans and have no problem about talking to one too. She met Akai during the 4 of July, her glow is the reason how they both meet. She seems to really love the company Opalia, due to her wardrobe being full of the brand. On the stage, the band uses minimal lighting to let Taru's natural luminescence make an impression on the audience.


Pronounced "Car-RE"

Kari is the band's bassist. He is runaway soldier that is rebelling against DJ Octavio's rule of the Octarian race. Kari has an intimidating look that makes a lot of people think he is a delinquent. Despite that fact, he is an kind-hearted individual who is just misunderstood. He is actually very easily intimidated and is socially awkward. Whenever he wears his eye patch it gives him confidence that he needs to get through the day. He met Akai in at The Shoal, there he was challanged a game of Air Hockey. At the end, Kari lost to him and Akai became his first friend.


Pronounced "Star"

Star is the band's Keyboardist. This sneaky sea sapphire always gets herself into trouble, whether she started the fight or not. She has a tendency to eavesdrop and interrupt conversations and talk about how beautiful she is. She is mostly the one who plans out the band's schedules 24/7 and make sure everything is going in her way. She also knows everyone's secrets, even their crushes. She is an old friend of Taru and joined the band for either free fame or to put down plans for this messy group they call a band.


Official Art[]

Fan art[]


  • Akai is short for Akai ika, that means Red Cuttlefish in Japanese
  • Taru is short for Hotaruika, that means Firefly Squid in Japanese
  • Kari is short for Karibukai no rīfutako, that means Caribbean Reef Octopus in Japanese
  • Star comes from the name of a gem, Star Sapphire
  • The name Amethyst represents the color of the species she is called known as the, Purple Striped Jellyfish
  • Akai's sister is Aka, from Inky Current
  • Kari's clothing is based off of Joker from Persona 5
  • Kari has heterochromia
    • He doesn't like his appearance so he hides it with his eye patch